Friday, August 31, 2007

An unexpected boon!

Item # 7:Hear Wk say "I love you"

Admittedly, it was not with precision clarity, however, when Thisbe finished her goodnight ritual with the WK this evening (we have been doing the same goodnight "thing" for over a year now), she said to the WK, "I love you". And the WK said back "Wuv du". And smiled. And then hugged her Mommy and patted her.

PBB & I tested her by saying it again, and again, right back to us: "Wuv du".

Best. Night. Ever.

Level of Difficulty: Medium - been working on this for a few months on and off
Expectation vs. Experience: Amazing. Cannot be quantified.
Time to Complete: 15+ months (WK will be 16 months next week)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Update on Item

OK. Thisbe was traveling, so there was no update last week on weight loss.

Thisbe was also attending a wedding shower, visiting a local orchard (and its attendant menagerie of farm animals) and attending meetings.

Accomplishments during this period were that Thisbe ACTUALLY worked out while traveling. Also, Thisbe did not eat ice cream every single day, as she has in the past, or get fast food while stopping at a rest area on the Thruway.

Challenges to addition weight loss included, but were not limited to, chicken crepes, soft ice cream, and strawberry-rhubarb pie.

Indeed, it is something of a miracle that weight was not gained.

Weight loss weeks 3 & 4 = 1.5 pounds

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The next item....

Item 8: Lose 10 lbs.

OK. This item is a longstanding issue. Thisbe got pregnant. Thisbe gained weight. Thisbe had a beautiful girl. Thisbe's beautiful girl did not weigh 35 lbs at birth. So Thisbe is going the "old skool" way, and exercising 3-4 times a week and has joined, sigh, Weight Watchers. Note that Thisbe did this over the winter and lost 9 lbs, but gained back 2 lbs.

For security purposes (as in, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you) Thisbe will not reveal her starting weight or goal weight, so you will just get to hear whether there is loss, gain, or no change.

Although some clothes are fitting better, the process, is, overall, extremely frustrating. Particularly the arms. Thisbe has been working out her arms like crazy, and yet, they do not appear to be getting slimmer or trimmer, but still wiggling, ala The Sweetest Thing. WHY???????

So far, progress is as follows:

Week 1: Down 2.5 lb
Week 2: Down 1 lb

Monday, August 13, 2007

Two for the Price of One!

Ok. To kickoff Thisbe's list of 100 things, she has completed TWO items in one weekend! That's correct! And they were both a great deal of fun to complete.

Item 22: Meet Miss Sophie. As many of you know, Miss Sophie is the newest addition to the Weef family, and although she is two months old, circumstances conspired that prevented the Thisbe family from meeting her until this past weekend. And all we can say is: she is worth the hype. Indeed, Miss Sophie is charming, sophisticated, and quite a fashionista. Also, she has an incredible house, and an amazing pool.

Level of difficulty: Low
Expectation vs. Experience: Outstanding
Time to Complete: N/A

Item 23: See the King Tut Exhibit at the Franklin Institute. Because the Weef family live relatively close to Philadelphia (also the home of Thisbe's sister), Thisbe decided to complete this item by continuing the family trek to Philly and obtaining tickets to the exhibit. This item was not particularly difficult to execute, in the sense that tickets were readily available, however, navigating the exhibit had several flaws:

1) King Tut was not actually in residence. Apparently, King Tut is not allowed to leave Egypt. However, he sent a lovely hologram in his place. Along with his "liver coffinette" and several very cool urns and statutes.

2) There was a very long line to see the exhibit once you entered. Thisbe and Weef were reminded vividly of trips to Disneyworld. Without the amusing characters to distract you while on line. Unless the various strange people in line count.

3) The audiotours. Weef has an excellent description of this problem on her blog, but suffice to say, the people who elected to purchase the audiotours also elected to check their brains, resulting in a herd of cattle mentality that was not conducive to viewing the exhibit while wheeling around strollers.

Overall, the exhibit was very cool, with many fascinating funerary objects. Thisbe was particularly taken with the liver coffinette and a small chair/throne that had belonged to King Tut. It was truly amazing to thing that these objects were crafted without any modern technology.

Level of difficulty: Low
Expectation vs. Experience: Good
Time to Complete: N/A

Monday, August 6, 2007

The beginning...

OK. As those of you who read Thisbe's Knits already know, Thisbe has decided to create a list of 100 things to do.

Thisbe has had too many people in her life facing mortal illness, and has decided it is time to start doing the things she has always wanted to do. So Thisbe has created a list (see sidebar), which will shortly consist of 100 things.

Beginning soon, Thisbe is going to attempt to do at least one of these things each week. It might take a week or a month or a year to complete them, but Thisbe will chronicle the effort. Also, Thisbe will accept suggestions to add to the list, but no promises as to whether they will make it on there. In addition, as soon as an item has been completed, a new item will be added to the list. So there will always be 100 things.

Enjoy the journey with Thisbe!