Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The next item....

Item 8: Lose 10 lbs.

OK. This item is a longstanding issue. Thisbe got pregnant. Thisbe gained weight. Thisbe had a beautiful girl. Thisbe's beautiful girl did not weigh 35 lbs at birth. So Thisbe is going the "old skool" way, and exercising 3-4 times a week and has joined, sigh, Weight Watchers. Note that Thisbe did this over the winter and lost 9 lbs, but gained back 2 lbs.

For security purposes (as in, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you) Thisbe will not reveal her starting weight or goal weight, so you will just get to hear whether there is loss, gain, or no change.

Although some clothes are fitting better, the process, is, overall, extremely frustrating. Particularly the arms. Thisbe has been working out her arms like crazy, and yet, they do not appear to be getting slimmer or trimmer, but still wiggling, ala The Sweetest Thing. WHY???????

So far, progress is as follows:

Week 1: Down 2.5 lb
Week 2: Down 1 lb

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