Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cutting the ties that bind...

...or at least loosening them a bit.

Item # 37: Spend a night away from the WK

So. Thisbe did it. PBB has spent a night away from the WK, but Thisbe never has. Indeed, as PBB likes to point out, Thisbe has seen the WK every single day of her life. So it was a big deal for Thisbe to spend the night away. But it was done.

Over Labor Day Weekend, the WK spent the night with Mimi & Big Pop, and Thisbe & PBB spent the night at a bed & breakfast. Thisbe researched places in the area and found the Hobbit Hollow Farm, and booked a room.

It was lovely. On the way there, Thisbe realized that we would be passing a childhood favorite place: Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard (SHOUT OUT TO B & S! I *LOVE* YOU! CALL ME!). And so there was a side trip to pick up some fresh apples and a candy apple for Thisbe. It was truly fantastic. Thisbe would go to B & S every day if she could. Fresh apples! A cool tractor that takes you to the apple picking! Pumpkins! Apple wine! Apple Cider! Candy Apples!

Thisbe like apples. You don't grow up in Central NY and dislike apples. You'd be pretty hungry in the fall.

Then it was off to Skaneateles to walk around on a gorgeous sunny day, admire the big houses on the lake, and look at cool antiques.

We finished our day with a delicious dinner at Rosalie's (Bill Clinton likes this restaurant! So should you!) and a quiet evening at the inn, playing cards.

Hobbit Hollow Farm is a lovely little inn, overlooking the lake with a spectacular view from a hill. The room was small, but nice, with a comfy bed. The next morning we had breakfast on the porch (French toast, gourmet granola, fresh squeezed OJ, and berries). It was really excellent to sit out on the porch and look out on the lake. Very, very, relaxing.

No significant problems were had with the WK, although, Thisbe missed her very, very, much. Yes. Thisbe is a big wuss.

Level of Difficulty: Medium to hard.
Expectation vs. Experience: Very good.
Time to Complete: 16 months. The exact age of the WK.

**PS. Non WK related posts will be upcoming this week! With PICTURES!**

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